Geotextile Fabric (Under & Overlayment)
Use of under and/or overlayment is an option and not mandatory in most cases. However, it is popular for many reasons. We know from experience that physical damage (from deer, kids with rocks, mechanical equipment, UV degradation, etc.) most often occurs on the upper edges of the pond liner. Also, an added degree of safety is introduced; the upper edges are made less slippery so kids, dogs, deer, etc. can get out more easily.
An underlayment should be used when the soil underneath contains rocks or gravel. Anything larger than the size of a thumbnail should try and either be removed or covered before placing the liner.
We recommend 8 oz. non-woven geotextile filter fabric, however, we have seen plenty of successful installs that use old carpeting. Filter fabric should always be placed along the shelf area when rip-rap or rock is used to protect the liner. It can also help to hold sand in beach areas.
If you are interested in purchasing, please contact us directly at 800-442-6648 to speak to one of our representatives.
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